Thursday, February 14, 2008

Some very sad news

Today, the Hudgins' household had to put to rest (flush down the toilet) our beloved fish, Mr. Fish. I am, as Peach from Finding Nemo puts it, a "fish killer."

Tuesday, in my whirlwind of activity, cleaned the poor fish's tank. I thought I was doing the fish some good. He was swimming in his own...well, you know. Come to find out, you have to dechlorinate the water before you reintroduce a fish into it's home. I was unaware of this important step and basically killed our only pet. Poor Mr. Fish.

I think we'll sing this at his memorial service. It is one of my favorites.

Three Little Fishies

Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
Swan two little fishies & a mama fishie too.
"Swim," said the mama fishie, "Swim if you can."
And they swam & they swam all over the dam.

Boop Boop Dittem Dattem What-tem Chu!
Boop Boop Dittem Dattem What-tem Chu!
Boop Boop Dittem Dattem What-tem Chu!
And they swam & they swam all over the dam.

"Stop," said the mama fishie, "Or you will get lost."
The 3 little fishies didn't want to be bossed.
The 3 little fishies went off on a spree.
They sway & they swam right out to the sea.


"Whee!" yelled the little fishies, "Here's a lot of fun,
We'll swim in the sea till the day is done."
They swam & they swam, it was a lark,
Till all of a sudden they saw a shark!


"Help!" cried the little fishies, "Gee, look at all the whales!"
And quick as they could, they turned on their tails.
And back to the pool in the meadow they swam,
And they swam & they swam back over the dam.

May Mr. Fish rest in fishy peace.

Now, I must go eat 37 peanut M&M's and watch LOST.


Candace said...

LOL! You are too funny Leah. Now, you should record yourself singing that song, then this post will be complete!

Leah said...

HaHA HA...that's not gonna happen. No way, no how.

But I know you'll have the chorus in your head for at least a week.

Anonymous said...

I found a rare and valuable clip of Leah and Candace singing this song together. Check it out.

Leah said...

Ha ha! That was cute, Liz! I wish I had the version we had when I was little. Alas, it was on a record and I think it's been lost for years. Plus, we don't have a record player anymore. :(