I think Zac would be beside himself with happiness if we had the Rondeau's as inlaws and, the Hudgins as the other inlaws - I guess this next baby will have to be a girl Leah, and we will adopt a boy (the cutest we can find) and round everything out.
Wait a minute, Candace. Both your girls are spoken for, right? If not then I still have to go find one more girl. Plus wouldn't it be cool for brothers to marry sisters?
I think I was the one who was confused... Candace had it right. Her 2 girls marry my 2 boys...then Rachel Marries...Micah...The baby you have now has to be a girl, so that Candace can adopt a boy to marry her. Perfect. It must be the will of God!
She's so dang pretty! What are going to do when boys start following her around?
Well that won't be until she's 30. So, I have about 28 years until have to worry about that.
Says she who was married at...how old were you?! :)
Har, har, har.
She is just so beautiful. You know I still have one boy unpromised to anyone in marriage. Should you want to go ahead and "arrange" things!
Ah, see, the problem Candace brought up is answered. I'll just tell those boys that Rachel is taken. :)
I think Zac would be beside himself with happiness if we had the Rondeau's as inlaws and, the Hudgins as the other inlaws - I guess this next baby will have to be a girl Leah, and we will adopt a boy (the cutest we can find) and round everything out.
Wait a minute, Candace. Both your girls are spoken for, right? If not then I still have to go find one more girl. Plus wouldn't it be cool for brothers to marry sisters?
Ok, I'm beyond confused now.
I think I was the one who was confused... Candace had it right. Her 2 girls marry my 2 boys...then Rachel Marries...Micah...The baby you have now has to be a girl, so that Candace can adopt a boy to marry her. Perfect. It must be the will of God!
I would let Rachel marry Micah just b/c his name is Micah. That's my brother's name, ya know.
We'll see at the end of March who will have to have/adopt a boy or girl. I'll find out the exact date at my visit on Tuesday (26th)!
This is crazy funny!
Rachel Rondeau fits so well too! It just flows!
Have you guys already started picking names for the new baby. What fun! We will be praying that all goes well.
Not really, we probably won't do that until after we find out the sex.
All we know is that Jacob is out. Rachel, Leah AND Jacob would just be weird.
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