Thursday, April 12, 2007

Uh oh , it's been a week....

I noticed that I haven't updated in about a week. I have a draft saved but I need to study the Scriptures a bit more on the topic before I post. Thankfully, Candace and Liz have updated so I have something to read and ponder. Thanks for being faithful bloggers!

Tim and I had a date night tonight! Rachel is at my sister's. I pray she sleeps well. What am I doing on here?? Well, I have time to post something. I don't have to do Rachel's bedtime routine tonight so I have a few extra minutes.

Me: Tim, you're my star.
Tim: Because I'm a ball of gas?

If you can't laugh at that, what can you laugh at?


Anonymous said...

Yay!! Date night is so fun! Hope you guys had a good time!!

Leah said...

Yes, we did. We had great Thai food. Yummy!

Candace said...

You didn't feed him ice cream did you?

Leah said...

Ha ha! I know better than that. :)

...Secretly jealous over your $10 double jogging stroller....Although, I am VERY excited about my Tupperware possibilities.