Friday, April 27, 2007

Are you an Alpha Mom?

I was watching The Today Show this morning while getting Rachel dressed. I usually get disgusted and change the channel but today the story peaked my interest. Today, the title was, "Are you an Alpha Mom?" What are Alpha Moms? Well, they are moms who can do it all. Kids. Jobs. Own Businesses. Fashion. Technology. You name it, they can do it...all at the same time. It sounds pretty innocent. I thought, hey, this sounds like the modern day Proverbs 31 woman...sort of. Our biblical example seemed to be able to keep up with a long list of "to dos". Shouldn't we try to be Alpha Moms? [Of course, Christian Alpha Moms could be the new Lifeway product.] I'd say no.

I think this is just feminism with some type of mask. Why do many moms today feel like they have to own or rule everything (especially men)? I have no beef with strong women but this is just off base. It's obviously another attempt to make ones self numero uno (Alpha).

While reading an article, I found three reasons why I believe we should run from this.

First, I found only one mention of a husband or father in the article and that was only in passing.

"Then there's a debriefing with her husband"
A debriefing with her husband? Wow, it's like she's the CEO of a company and all she's got is 5 minutes to catch up with him before she's off to her next task. It appears to me that husbands come last in this lifestyle. 1. Mom, 2. Kids, 3. Dad

Second, there is an overwhelming emphasis on consumerism. These moms are spenders and they like to do it online, too. If you want to sell something, target this group. Swiffer, Proctor-Gamble, GM, Nintendo, Kimberly-Clark, and Huggies are just a few of the companies who are throwing themselves at this group. The woman featured on The Today Show pointed out that she has to have to newest technology and the most fashionable clothes.

Third, and the most critical fault, is this feministic (is that a word) fear that they will "lose" their identities if they have a family. This is one reason why Constance Van Flandern created Alpha Mom TV. She states it best herself:
"But I realized that the audience is me: a hip mom who wants to be involved with her children's lives but who doesn't want to give up her identity."
Since when did children become identity thieves? I'm no less Leah than I was 14 months ago. I've actually realized more of what my identity is. My identity is found in Christ alone. But hey, what's so wrong with your identity being a stay-at-home mom with clothes bought at the thrift store and being submissive to your husband?

So, no, I am not an Alpha Mom. I am not number one in this world or in my home. Thankfully, my Heavenly Father sees Christ in me because what I have to offer is but filthy rags. I fail repeatedly daily...hourly. I'm thankful I don't have to be an Alpha Mom because my strength is found in Christ and not in my own abilities.

I could go on and on about this but I think this is a good primer on this new "breed" of women. What do you think about?

Monday, April 23, 2007

My sweet Rachel

I'm completely beside myself! Being a mom is so wonderful (I'll be sure to read this when Rachel is being grumpy). Rachel is in the process of taking her first steps! Yesterday she took a few steps between two of her favorite push toys.

Today, when we arrived home from the fabric store, Rachel was sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor. All of the sudden, she tried standing all by herself! No table, chair or person to help her. It was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen. She was straining to stand, as if the whole world was upon her shoulders. She was so pleased with herself. Once, she took a few wobbly steps and collapsed in my arms.

Rachel's also bear walking now. She's tasted the freedom of this milestone and now she's building her muscles. I wonder if this why she took a 3 hour nap this morning??

Now is the important question! When do I mark this milestone? When she first took a few steps or when she is successfully walking like a normal human being?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cukes are cooked

I planted a herb and vegetable container garden a couple of days ago. My basil, oregano, tomatoes, rosemary, and sweet bell peppers (red & green) are doing beautifully. However, my cucumbers look, well, dead. I don't know what happened to them. I watered and fertilized them but they're all shriveled up now. Does anyone have any idea why?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Not even one...

I try to listen to James White's (AOMin) podcasts as often as I can. He posts a link to it on his blog/website. For those of you who don't know him, White is an Reformed Baptist apologist in Phoenix. He is incredibly knowledgeable and Tim really likes him. So, therefore, I like him too. :)

On yesterday's show, James talked about the VA Tech massacre. I have to say, it's probably the best commentary of what happened. It's all in the first several minutes so you don't have to search for it. Here's the link:
The Dividing Line (4/17/07)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Will you go in the sandwich and get me a kitchen?

While reading the news headlines on my Google personalized page, I came across one that read... "Bush makes impassioned plea for war cash".

Although, it came out as "Bush makes impassioned plea for car wash". Geez, I guess the pollen is really bad in DC.

Oh, the mind is a wonderful and funny thing.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Uh oh , it's been a week....

I noticed that I haven't updated in about a week. I have a draft saved but I need to study the Scriptures a bit more on the topic before I post. Thankfully, Candace and Liz have updated so I have something to read and ponder. Thanks for being faithful bloggers!

Tim and I had a date night tonight! Rachel is at my sister's. I pray she sleeps well. What am I doing on here?? Well, I have time to post something. I don't have to do Rachel's bedtime routine tonight so I have a few extra minutes.

Me: Tim, you're my star.
Tim: Because I'm a ball of gas?

If you can't laugh at that, what can you laugh at?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Terrible....Pre-Tantrums

Here's a great question for all my faithful readers to ponder...

How do you stop tantrums now (@ 13 months)? Before they blow up into the kicking-and-screaming kind.

Any "I've been there, and this is how I handled it" tips would be greatly appreciated.