Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Love your Enemies...

I have an enemy. No, it's not the bikers that feel they own the road (huh, that would be a fun post to write). Maybe a visual aid would be sufficient.

Let me introduce you to my #1 enemy...
Yes, my friends, it is a squirrel. He's been stealing my suet for the past few weeks and scaring away the birds. I find this to be an endless battle. I don't want to stop putting out suet but I can't really stop this guy. I think I read that squirrels can jump up to 10 feet.

Maybe Rachel and I will mosey on down to Wal-Mart to see if we can find either dried corn or some squirrel ridding product. Whichever is cheaper. I have a feeling this squirrel will be having corn for dinner. :)