Friday, March 30, 2007

Nip it in the Bud

Is it Friday already? I have been avoiding Rachel's laundry/clothes situation for a good solid week now. She has clothes in just about every room in our house. I need to get rid of these "Hot Spots" as the FlyLady would call them. Our guest room is spotted with mounds of her clothes. Clothes she's grown out of, winter clothes and folded laundry that needs to be put away. Also, it has laundry the needs to be done. I sort her laundry in there while she takes a nap.

Rachel has hardly any clothes in her closet (they're all winter clothes anyway) and I find myself foraging around her room and the guest room to make an outfit. I, obviously, need a better system and to stop procrastinating. I'm so much happier when I'm organized. I hope this quote will give me some motivation...

“No unwelcome tasks become any the less unwelcome by putting them off till tomorrow. It is only when they are behind us and done, that we begin to find that there is a sweetness to be tasted afterwards, and that the remembrance of unwelcome duties unhesitatingly done is welcome and pleasant. Accomplished, they are full of blessing, and there is a smile on their faces as they leave us. Undone, they stand threatening and disturbing our tranquility, and hindering our communion with God. If there be lying before you any bit of work from which you shrink, go straight up to it, and do it at once. The only way to get rid of it is to do it.”
-Alexander MacLaren

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Today, I did something that I have never done before.

I ran over a squirrel today.

So sad!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Update on Rachel

I meant to update earlier this week on Rachel's condition. As you may remember, Rachel had a somewhat high fever on Monday. We went to the doctor on Tuesday. She had/has a virus. The doctor didn't really know what virus it was. She said if a rash showed up it would most likely be roseola. Well, today, a rash broke out on Rachey's tummy and back. Interesting thing is that now that's she's had roseola she'll most likely have a life-long immunity to the virus. Crazy how that body works that way.

I better get my little kiddo ready for bed.

What's going on with the Hudgins' crew?
Tim--playing a game
Leah--feeling satisfied after working in the yard
Rachel--standing in her little white chair (grr)

I found a new way to hem pants. Well I suppose it's not "new" but it's new to me. I believe it's called European hemming. I'd never hemmed pants before and I was able to do it fairly quickly. Here's the website if you'd like to try it:

Dacia Ray's blog

Now, I can finally hem the black pants I've had in my closet for almost 2 years now.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Love your Enemies...

I have an enemy. No, it's not the bikers that feel they own the road (huh, that would be a fun post to write). Maybe a visual aid would be sufficient.

Let me introduce you to my #1 enemy...
Yes, my friends, it is a squirrel. He's been stealing my suet for the past few weeks and scaring away the birds. I find this to be an endless battle. I don't want to stop putting out suet but I can't really stop this guy. I think I read that squirrels can jump up to 10 feet.

Maybe Rachel and I will mosey on down to Wal-Mart to see if we can find either dried corn or some squirrel ridding product. Whichever is cheaper. I have a feeling this squirrel will be having corn for dinner. :)

Monday, March 19, 2007

You too??

Ah, yes, I have decided to create a blog. I can't promise that it will be a continuous task. I'll probably write when I have something on my mind or to keep wondering minds up to date on the Hudgins' household. So, without further ado...

Last night, Rachel spiked a temperature of 101.9. It really shocked me because she's really never had a fever that high. I called my sister (who is a nurse at Children's) and she told me to give her Tylenol and then check her in the morning. This morning her temp. was still fairly high (100.4) so I gave her a dose of Motrin. As the morning progressed her temp. went down to around normal. I thought I was in the clear so we ventured out to Target to buy some groceries and other pantry items. Rachel fell asleep on the way home so I put her down for her afternoon nap. She woke up a few hours later with red rosy cheeks. I checked her temp and it was back up to 101.4. So with all that said, I called the doctor's office and we have an appointment at 9:30 in the morning. I'll keep you posted on her condition

In other news, Rachel is getting close to walking. She stood up for almost a minute last night, unassisted. She was so proud of herself!

On Friday, Tim got a call from his boss to let him know that he got his raise! We were sooo excited. It's a bit more than 20% so that'll help with the bills.

Over dinner, I was thinking about something...I ran into an old friend at Target. We were exchanging the normal niceties when it came to children. She made the predictable remark, "We'll have kids when we finish so-and-so and are more financial stable." I suppose it's easier for me to frown at that because I'm on the other side of "taking the plunge" into parenthood. I've been through the gut wrenching home pregnancy test, the fear of financial woes, the kicking-me-in-the-rib pain, the glucose test, PIH, early delivery, the epidural, and all the fun after that. (I'll spare the details). We were by no means "financially stable". I was giving up my income to have this child. I'm trying to get somewhere here...I suppose it's this. After all the fear and anxiety, God proved himself faithful. And now, we have the most precious gift. I'll never tell a married woman to wait to have children. Stop everything you're doing that is futile, have many babies, stay at home, teach them, love them and tell them about the God that gives us more than we would ever deserve.

What's the Hudgins' crew doing right now??
--Seeking out the diaper bag to pull everything out and strewing items to the four corners of the living room.
Tim--Reading The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoevsky
Leah--Typing this thing and wondering why Rachel is saying "Uh-oh"