Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Beach

We had a wonderful time on our mini vacation this past weekend (October 2-5). The beach was lovely, minus the sand flies on Thursday and Friday, and the water (which was gorgeous) wasn't too cold yet. Of course, our family doesn't go past our thighs in the water. Haven't you ever seen Jaws? That's why they have pools at the beach...for people like us. For people who have too vivid of an imagination to swim where you can't see the bottom. Unfortunately,the pool was a little too chilly. However, Rachel didn't seem to mind and Tim forced himself to swim. I just sat on the steps and enjoyed the cool water on my hot feet. Sarah slept in her car seat. She had way too much dreaming to do to build sand castles with us. Oh well, maybe she'll find time on our next trip to the beach. Here are some pics...

Sarah w/ a sweet smile.

Rachel taking it all in...

You see, Rachel's wearing the hat I brought for Sarah. Sarah is wearing the hat I brought for Rachel. The hat Rachel is wearing...was too, er, small for Sarah.

Rachel, Daddy & Uncle Chris digging a big hole and building sand castles.


Anonymous said...

Sarah reminds me so much of Sophia at that age!!! I bet they weighed about the same.

Leah said...

Yeah, Sarah went to the doctor on Thursday...12lbs 5 oz. aka 90th percentile aka "Tub Tub".

Rachel was 11lbs at her 2 month visit.