Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Exciting Tuesday!

Well, yesterday started out as a normal day. Everything was going just fine. I was checking some things online. I look over at Rachel. She was just going through a bag of hers...normal. I look back at the laptop. I look back over at Rachel. Now she is going to town on a travel-sized bottle of mouthwash. So I immediately panic. I call my sister, she's a nurse. She tells me to call the doctor's office. It's busy so I call Poison Control. What a blessing that is! Thankfully, the bottle wasn't full and Rachel didn't drink all of the remaining mouthwash. The only problem was that it was hotel mouthwash. It didn't have the brand name or the ingredients on it or a child safety cap!

Barb, the sweet Poison Control lady, instructed me to give Rachel fruit juice and keep her awake for next two hours. Barb called back after an symptoms. Then she called again after another hour. Still no signs of drunkenness from my dear daughter. Thankfully, my day didn't involve a trip to the ER.

Oh well, that was our exciting Tuesday. I'm sure every parent has a story about having to call Poison Control...right? :)


Candace said...

We have three!

Anonymous said...

you know the little glow sticks that you see at halloween? Yeah..if you break them and drink the juice, it won't kill you. The liquid will just burn whatever part of your body it touches...not severely just a little burning feeling. So if you ever do drink need to call poison control. We already have.

Leah said...

LOL! That's hilarious Liz.

Candace, I kind of remember you having to call for something. I just couldn't remember what it was for.

Leah said...

Well kind of hilarious. I'm sure it wasn't hilarious at the time. :)

Candace said...

1. Sophia opened the child-proof top of some cough medicine and drank it.
2. Sophia ate a mulberry and we didn't know it they were poisonous. They aren't (at least not in small quantities)
3. Sophia got a bottle of Aleve open at Marga's and we think she at at least one, or part of one.
All that for just one child. Oh, we were going to call once just a few months ago when we were at our small group and she ate diaper cream. The chemists in the room told us she would be ok, tho.