Saturday, January 26, 2008

Baby Update

I had my second doctor's appointment yesterday (Friday). The baby looks great. I had another ultrasound because the baby's heart rate isn't strong enough yet to pick up on the Doppler. The heart rate was 167 bpm. Nice and strong! The baby was moving around like crazy when the technician started the US but he/she soon calmed down when she started scanning around.

I did lose 5 pounds but my doctor didn't seem too concerned about that. I'll be out of my first trimester about February 5th (haha, AL primary day!). I also had all my blood drawn for the myriad of tests....rubella, Rh, etc. etc. I think that kind of wiped me out yesterday. My iron levels were still high, that's good. I think they were already low by this point w/ Rach. My blood pressure is still good, too.

So, I think that's about it for now. I'm just sooo ready for Spring. It's been very cold and overcast here for last several days.


Candace said...

Exciting! Can't wait to find out what you're having. Oh, you should post some belly pics. I love those.

Leah said...

Well, I have one pair of jeans that have been nixed from my wardrobe. They're kind of low-rise and hit me in an uncomfortable spot. Too tight. All my other jeans are still good. I just prefer maternity or stretchy pants. They're MUCH more comfy.

So all that to say, I kind of have a little bit of a tummy. I still feel like you do when you've ate a really big meal.

I'll try to remember to post a picture.