Friday, December 28, 2007

Bebe Numero Deux

Tim and I went to my first doctor's appointment this morning! All the old routines came back like they were yesterday. Urine sample, weigh-in, blood know, all the fun stuff. The pregnancy was confirmed. Before my blood test I was in the office for just a "yearly w/ a missed period." (Sorry for any guys reading this!) I had an ultrasound to confirm how far along I am. We're at about 7 weeks. The heartbeat was strong; about 133 bpm. The ultrasound tech is already saying it's a boy. I'm not sure why. We're shooting for a due date of 8-8-08!

Thankfully, I'm not anemic yet. I'm feeling queasy just about all day but no major vomiting...yet. That in itself is an answered prayer. I dread taking my prenatal vitamins. They just smell terrible. My doctor gave me a capsule form so hopefully, they won't smell as bad.

Anywho, that's about it in a nutshell. Rachel is eagerly awaiting her new baby brother or sister. When I told her that mommy had a baby in belly, she put in finger in my belly button and said, "open". So, we're all very excited!

Once I find my camera, I'll post some pics of our little blueberry.

UPDATE: So the new vitamin made me feel really yucky last night. I think it was b/c I took it on a somewhat empty stomach. I should have known better. Tonight, I took it immediately after I ate my dinner. I think that helped considerably. My queasiness kind of fades in and out. Only a few more weeks of this. I know it's all worth it. Rachel is my constant reminder.


Anonymous said...

Yay for you guys! we will be praying that all goes well for you!
IT would be Great if little one was born on 8-8-08. We had Micah on 6-6-07 and I told Matt that it might have been cool if we had delivered him a year earlier. Matt was quick to tell me that all the LaHaye fans out there might have gone crazy if we had a kid on 6-6-06!