Monday, September 10, 2007

Hyms for a Kid's Heart

While at the thrift store the other day, I found this great book:
Hymns for a Kid's Heart (Volume One)

Now, I'm pretty cautious when it comes to "Christian" children's books, but I have found this book to be well worth the 99 cents I paid for it. It is written by Bobbie Wolgemuth and Joni Eareckson Tada. Wolgemuth writes a short story about the song writer and Tada writes a short commentary titled "From My Heart to You". Then, the hymn with all the verses. After the hymn is "A Verse for My Heart" followed by, "A Prayer from My Heart". The illustrations are by Sergio Martinez and are pretty. It also comes with a CD but I didn't really care for it. Maybe, in a few years, Rachel may enjoy singing along with the children.

So far, we have read through Holy, Holy, Holy and A Mighty Fortress is Our God. It was very interesting to read about Reginald Herber and Martin Luther; for me at least. I think it may be a little long for Rach yet. I also was pleased to find that all of the verses are in ESV.

All that said, it's a good historical book and introduces great hymns to our children early.


Anonymous said...

Great find Leah. I have been wanting some good music for Sophia and what is better than Hymns! I really enjoy Joni Erickson Tada too. I have read a few of her books and she encourages me all the time with her fortitude and biblical perspective on things. I'll have to keep an eye out for that one, but I doubt I will find it at a thrift store in the non-bible belt of Iowa.